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Derek Hagen
Feb 23, 20235 min read
When Values Collide: Navigating the Intersection of Our Values
Values are complex and inevitably lead to conflicts when our actions based on different values would result in different potential actions.

Derek Hagen
Feb 16, 20235 min read
Questioning Your Core Value
If you have a core value at the top of your value hierarchy, you are at risk of something preventing your from expressing your values.

Derek Hagen
Feb 9, 20235 min read
Aligning Your Values With Your Life
Knowing your values is important. The next step is to make sure you are using your time, money, and energy in ways that align with them.

Derek Hagen
Feb 2, 20234 min read
Authentic Values
It's easy to do what we think we're supposed to do or what we think others will like. But how would you act if you alone on a desert island?
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