Derek HagenJun 274 min readUNDERSTAND YOURSELF BY UNDERSTANDING YOUR PASTWe are shaped by both nature (our genetics) and nurture (our experiences). Both are important and shape who we are and how we behave.
Derek HagenApr 253 min readUNDERSTANDING EMOTIONS Emotions are information, but what exactly does that mean? Emotions start in the body, and based on that feeling, we construct a narrative.
Derek HagenMar 217 min readMONEY SCRIPTS: CORE FINANCIAL BELIEFSMoney Scripts are core beliefs we have about money. They represent our assumptions about the world and shape our automatic thoughts.
Derek HagenMar 145 min readMOTIVATION AND BEHAVIORIt's common for people to know what they're supposed to do yet not follow through. A simple way to think about behavior can help.